About Us


About us

The idea of CloudNCrafts was born keeping the need for a sustainable lifestyle, and sustainable development alternatives in mind. Our main goal is to provide natural alternatives to plastic and other synthetic products. We also support handmade & handloom products and skilled artisans so that traditional craftsmanship survives. We try to create the demand for natural handmade and handloom products as an eco-friendly alternative and ensure steady and better revenue for the artisans.

We all know that climate change and plastic pollution have worsened to an extreme level. The soil quality and its fertility to produce crops for us are dwindling significantly. Now to save the soil and cut the pollution level and strike a sustainable balance in our daily lifestyle consumption and industrial development, we need an eco-friendly lifestyle and sustainable development model.

So we try to promote

  1. Natural, organic materials for products
  2. Handmade or Handloom made products
  3. Traditional craftsmanship, traditional arts and crafts
  4. Heritage and culture
  5. Organizations and products which support sustainable development